50+ Industry Specific Metrics Always Available

Monitor the metrics important to your business right NOW

We understand that your business is unqiue but there are many key recruitment industry metrics that all staffing and recruitment agencies should be managing and measuring. You can access reports on 50+ key metrics when using the SIM platform. When you request a demo we will walk you through the relevant metrics and reports that are of interest to you.


  • Number of new internal staff starters
  • Number of internal staff departures
  • Number of Locations
  • Number of Income Producers
  • Avg Salary per income producer
  • No of Support Staff
  • Avg Salary per support staff
  • Total Salary
  • Total Headcount
  • Avg Salary per person
  • Staff churn


  • Number of perm placements
  • Perm sales as a % of total sales
  • Average $ placement fee
  • Perm gross profit as a % of total gross profit


  • Sales per X1 income producer remuneration
  • Sales per X1 remuneration
  • Gross profit (NFI) per X1 income producer remuneration
  • Gross profit (NFI) per X1 remuneration
  • Gross profit per income producer
  • Gross profit per person


  • Hours processed or days worked
  • Sales as a % of total sales
  • Gross profit (NFI) as a % of these sales
  • Average charge rate per hour
  • Average pay rate per hour
  • Payroll cost (excl on costs)
  • Payroll on costs
  • Payroll + oncost as a % of sales
  • Average oncost per hour
  • Oncost as a % of pay rate
  • Average $ gross profit (NFI) per hour


  • Gross profit (NFI) value
  • Gross profit as a % of sales
  • Temp/contract/locum gross profit (NFI) value
  • Perm gross profit value


  • Sales per person
  • Sales per income producer
  • Gross profit (NFI) per person
  • Gross profit (NFI) income producer
  • Perm invoiced per person
  • Perm invoiced per income producer
  • Temp hours per person
  • Temp hours per income producer


  • Total expenditure
  • Expenditure as a % of sales
  • Expenditure as a % of gross profit/NFI
  • Variable expenses ($)
  • Variable expenses (% of gp/NFI)
  • Variable (% sales)
  • Marketing expenses ($)
  • Marketing (% of gp/NFI)
  • Marketing (% sales)
  • Occupancy expenses ($)
  • Occupancy (% of gp/NFI)
  • Occupancy (% sales)
  • Management & Staff  expenses ($)
  • Management & Staff  (% of gp/NFI)
  • Management & Staff (% sales)
  • Corporate expenses ($)
  • Corporate (% of gp/NFI)
  • Corporate (% sales)
  • Avg business cost per Income producer
  • Avg business cost per person


  • Profit (EBIT)
  • Profit as a % of sales
  • Profit as a % of gross profit/NFI
  • Profit per income producer
  • Profit per person
  • Profit per X1 of remuneration


  • Total sales revenue
  • Perm sales revenue
  • Temp/contract/locum sales revenue
  • Other sales revenue
  • Cost of other sales revenue

+ Create unlimited reports on any of the above combinations.

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